Boswellia Carterii Extract

Biological name: Boswellia carterii
Family: Burseraceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Genus: Boswellia
Order: Sapindales
Common name: Frankincense


It is the primary tree in the genus Boswellia from which a resinous dried sap i.e. frankincense, is harvested. It is native to East Africa and China. This species of Boswellia is a small deciduous tree, which grows up to a height of 2 – 8 m with one or more trunks. Its bark has the texture of the paper that can be removed easily. It has compound leaves and an odd number of leaflets, which grow along its branches opposite to one another. Its tiny flowers, a yellowish-white color that is gathered in axillary clusters composed of ten stamens, five petals, and a cup with five teeth. The fruit has about a 1cm long capsule.

  • Boswellia is used for the treatment of brain injury, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, joint pain, swelling of the fluid-filled pads in the joints (bursitis), and swelling of tendons (tendonitis).
  • It is also used for ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the colon, abdominal pain, and Crohn’s disease.
  • It is used for asthma, sore throat, high fever, syphilis, painful menstruation, bruises, headache, pimples, diabetes, and cancer.
  • Boswellia is also used as a stimulant, for stimulating menstrual flow and increasing urine flow.
  • It is also used to reduce skin damage caused during radiation treatments for cancer and used as a cream that is applied to the skin to tone the skin and decrease wrinkles.
  • In manufacturing, Boswellia resin oil and extracts are used in soaps, cosmetics, beverages, and foods.

Side effects :
Boswellia usually doesn’t cause major side effects, but some people have reported stomach pain, diarrhea nausea, itching, and heartburn.

  • Avoid If you have gastritis or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and talk to your health care provider before using.
  • If you’re taking a blood thinner or have a condition that affects blood clotting, advise your healthcare provider before taking Boswellia.

Be cautious with this the following combination-

  • Boswellia may interact with NSAIDs like ibuprofen.
  • It may also interact with Calcium channel blockers drugs that treat high blood pressure.
  • It may also interact with Antibiotics such as cyclosporine and erythromycin.


  • Boswellia extract has been used safely in doses up to 1000 mg daily for up to 6 months.

Boswellia In adults, taken doses of 100-250 mg by oral route daily, for up to 6 months.