Coconut Milk Powder

Scientific name: Cocos nucifera
Order: Arecales
Family: Arecaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Tribe: Cocoseae


Coconut is an edible fruit of the coconut palm is native to Indo-Malaya and is one of the most important crops of the tropics. Coconut flesh contains fat in high amounts. Annually a single coconut palm may yield 100 coconuts and each fruit requires a year to fully ripen. Mature coconuts are ellipsoid or ovoid, 12–18 inches in length, and 6–8 inches in diameter. It is a hard shell that encloses the insignificant embryo with abundant endosperm, composed of both liquid and meat. It can be dried or eaten fresh or processed into coconut oil or coconut milk. The liquid of the nut is called coconut water which is used in beverages.
Some benefits of coconut oil are as follows-

  • Boost digestion
  • Prevent heart disease and high blood pressure,
  • Boost immune system
  • Prevention and treatment of cancer
  • Prevents Candida
  • Help in weight loss
  • Improve memory and brain function
  • Treat urinary tract infection.

Side effects and Precautions :

  • Higher doses of coconut water increase blood potassium levels that causing kidney problems and irregular heartbeat.
  • Some peoples are allergic to Coconut milk so avoid it.
  • If Coconut oil is consumed in excess can cause nausea.

There is no reliable information related to the interaction of coconut with the medication.